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при этом я за раз могу выполнить например 5 квестов, а после перезахода на мне эти 5 квестов как взятые висеть будут


  • Релизер
Только что, akrabuamelu сказал:

при этом я за раз могу выполнить например 5 квестов, а после перезахода на мне эти 5 квестов как взятые висеть будут


Значит игра не считает что ты в альянсе. Советую поменять альянс или перезайти в свой. - Копим на бесперебойник

3 минуты назад, SAYANru сказал:

Значит игра не считает что ты в альянсе. Советую поменять альянс или перезайти в свой.

перезаходил. сейчас на втором аккаунте проверил. такая же фигня (в клан только что зашёл)


А как в чате с наемницами продолжить диалог, там же квесты они дают на прокачку? Я поставил мод меню и квест исчез, дальше диалога нет

17 минут назад, sx66627 сказал:

You're cool, buddy. Will you share?)

i believe some of you guys already fiddled with time change in CE but i changed the class responsible for server time to return a simulated server time

  • Релизер
9 минут назад, 45hgv43whgf сказал:

i believe some of you guys already fiddled with time change in CE but i changed the class responsible for server time to return a simulated server time

Can you clarify more precisely?) I've only worked with Cheat Engine once. - Копим на бесперебойник

  • Релизер
2 минуты назад, SAYANru сказал:

Can you clarify more precisely?) I've only worked with Cheat Engine once.

Мне кажется он изменил файл, он же говорил про класс отвечающий за время.

  • Like 1

Технической поддержкой не занимаюсь!

Вся информация для Lust Goddess


  • Релизер
Только что, sx66627 сказал:

Мне кажется он изменил файл, он же говорил про класс отвечающий за время.

Время сервера значит... Я к нему ещё не подбирался. Нужно проверить - Копим на бесперебойник


ok here it is, replace the whole class with this and change the line for time to get to Commander Unlocks.  (for whatever reason i implemented it as running time, it also works as static time)


Class> DateTimeModule


SetManualServerTime(new DateTime(2024, 5, 29, 17, 0, 0));

SetManualServerTime(new DateTime(2024, 6, 22, 17, 0, 0));

SetManualServerTime(new DateTime(2024, 3, 30, 17, 0, 0));

(code with running time)


using System;
using System.Text;
using Assets.Scripts.UtilScripts;
using NGUI.Scripts.Internal;
using UnityEngine;

public class DateTimeModule
    private static TimeSpan serverDiff = new TimeSpan(0L);
    private static DateTime _serverNowTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
    private static double serverTimeUpdated = (double)Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
    private static bool isServerTimeSynced;
    private static int _serverNowCachedAtFrame;
    private static StringBuilder _sbTimeSpanToString = new StringBuilder();
    private static DateTime? initialManualServerTime = null;
    private static double manualServerTimeSetAt;

    public static DateTime now
            return DateTime.Now;

    public static DateTime today

    public static DateTime ServerToday
            return new DateTime(DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Year, DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Month, DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Day, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

    public static DateTime Server6ShiftToday
            DateTime dateTime = DateTimeModule.ServerNow.AddHours(6.0);
            return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

    public static DateTime GetServerNow()
        return DateTimeModule.ServerNow;

    public static TimeSpan ServerDiff
            return DateTimeModule.serverDiff;

    public static void SyncServerTime(DateTime serverTime)
        if (DateTimeModule._serverNowTime > serverTime && DateTimeModule.isServerTimeSynced)
        DateTimeModule.isServerTimeSynced = true;
        DateTimeModule._serverNowTime = serverTime;
        DateTimeModule.serverTimeUpdated = Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble;
        DateTimeModule.serverDiff = serverTime - DateTime.Now;

    public static DateTime ServerToLocal(DateTime serverTime)
        DateTime result;
            result = serverTime.Add(-DateTimeModule.serverDiff);
        catch (Exception)
            string str = "Server to local error: server_time=";
            string str2 = serverTime.ToString("O");
            string str3 = " server_diff=";
            TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTimeModule.serverDiff;
            Debug.LogError(str + str2 + str3 + timeSpan.ToString());
            result = DateTime.Now;
        return result;

    public static DateTime ServerNow
            if (initialManualServerTime.HasValue)
                double elapsedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble - manualServerTimeSetAt;
                return initialManualServerTime.Value.AddSeconds(elapsedTime);

            if (DateTimeModule._serverNowCachedAtFrame == Time.frameCount)
                return DateTimeModule._serverNowTime;

            double realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble = Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble;
            double value = realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble - DateTimeModule.serverTimeUpdated;
            DateTimeModule._serverNowTime = DateTimeModule._serverNowTime.AddSeconds(value);
            DateTimeModule.serverTimeUpdated = realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble;
            DateTimeModule._serverNowCachedAtFrame = Time.frameCount;
            return DateTimeModule._serverNowTime;

    public static TimeSpan GetTimeIn12HourInterval
            return DateTimeModule.Server6ShiftToday.AddDays(1.0).AddHours(-18.0) - DateTimeModule.ServerNow;

    private static double GetTicksCount()
        return IosUtils.GetUpTime();

    public static string GetTimeAgoString(DateTime time, bool fullString = false, bool serverTime = true, bool shortTime = false)
        string newValue = shortTime ? DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetweenShort(time, serverTime, fullString, false) : DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetween(time, fullString, serverTime, false);
        return Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_ago", true, true).Replace("%time%", newValue);

    public static string GetTimeBetween(int seconds, bool fullString = false, bool withSeconds = false)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetween(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)seconds), fullString, withSeconds);

    public static DateTime GetFirstDailyOccurence(DateTime start, DateTime utcTime)
        DateTime dateTime = start;
        if (start.TimeOfDay > utcTime.TimeOfDay)
            dateTime = start + TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);
        return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, utcTime.Hour, utcTime.Minute, utcTime.Second);

    public static int GetSecondsFromString(string span)
        if (span == "")
            return -1;
        span = span.Replace(" ", "");
        char c = span[span.Length - 1];
        int num = int.Parse(span.Replace(c.ToString(), ""));
        if (c <= 'h')
            if (c == 'd')
                return num * 86400;
            if (c == 'h')
                return num * 3600;
            if (c == 'm')
                return num * 60;
            if (c == 's')
                return num;
        return 0;

    public static string GetTimeBetween(DateTime time, bool fullString = false, bool serverTime = true, bool withSeconds = false)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetween(DateTimeModule.GetTimeSpan(time, serverTime), fullString, withSeconds);

    public static string GetTimeBetween(TimeSpan span, bool fullString = false, bool withSeconds = false)
        string text;
        if (span.Days > 0)
            if (span.Hours == 0)
                text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_days_no_hours" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%days%", span.Days.ToString() ?? "").Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "");
                text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_days" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%days%", span.Days.ToString() ?? "").Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "");
        else if (span.Hours > 0)
            if (span.Minutes == 0)
                text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_hours_no_minutes" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "").Replace("%mins%", span.Minutes.ToString() ?? "");
                text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_hours" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "").Replace("%mins%", span.Minutes.ToString() ?? "");
        else if (span.Minutes > 0 && !withSeconds)
            int num = span.Minutes;
            if (num == 0)
                num = 1;
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_minutes" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%minutes%", num.ToString() ?? "");
        else if (span.Minutes > 0 && withSeconds)
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_minutes_with_seconds" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%minutes%", span.Minutes.ToString()).Replace("%seconds%", span.Seconds.ToString());
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_seconds" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%seconds%", span.Seconds.ToString() ?? "");
        text = LocalizationUtils.ApplyEndings(text);
        return LocalizationUtils.RussianEnds(text);

    public static string GetTimeBetweenLocalized(string key, DateTime targetTime, bool serverTime = true)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetweenLocalized(key, DateTimeModule.GetTimeSpan(targetTime, serverTime));

    public static string GetTimeBetweenLocalized(string key, TimeSpan timeSpan)
        return Localization.LocalizeByKey(key, true, true).Replace("%days%", timeSpan.Days.ToString()).Replace("%hours%", timeSpan.Hours.ToString()).Replace("%minutes%", timeSpan.Minutes.ToString());

    public static string GetTimeBetweenShort(DateTime time, bool serverTime = true, bool fullString = false, bool daysWithoutHours = false)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetweenShort(DateTimeModule.GetTimeSpanBetween(time, serverTime), fullString, daysWithoutHours);

    public static TimeSpan GetTimeSpanBetween(DateTime time, bool serverTime = true)
        DateTime dateTime = serverTime ? DateTimeModule.ServerNow :;
        TimeSpan result = time - dateTime;
        if (time < dateTime)
            result = dateTime - time;
        return result;

    public static string GetTimeBetweenShort(int seconds, bool fullString = false, bool daysWithoutHours = false)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetweenShort(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)seconds), fullString, daysWithoutHours);

    public static string GetTimeBetweenShort(TimeSpan span, bool fullString = false, bool daysWithoutHours = false)
        string result;
        if (span.TotalDays >= 1.0)
            result = (daysWithoutHours ? Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_days_no_hours" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%days%", ((int)span.TotalDays).ToString() ?? "") : Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_days" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%days%", ((int)span.TotalDays).ToString() ?? "").Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? ""));
        else if (span.Hours > 0)
            result = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_hours_only" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "");
        else if (span.Minutes > 0)
            int minutes = span.Minutes;
            result = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_minutes" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%minutes%", minutes.ToString() ?? "");
            result = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_less_minute" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true);
        return result;

    public static string TimeSpanToString(TimeSpan tSpan)
        if (tSpan.Days > 0)
            DateTimeModule._sbTimeSpanToString.Append(tSpan.Hours + 24 * tSpan.Days).Append(':');
            if (tSpan.Hours <= 9)
        if (tSpan.Minutes <= 9)
        if (tSpan.Seconds <= 9)
        return DateTimeModule._sbTimeSpanToString.ToString();

    public static string TimeSpanToStringForCrashCars(TimeSpan tSpan)
        if (tSpan.Seconds <= 9)
        if (tSpan.Milliseconds <= 9)
        return DateTimeModule._sbTimeSpanToString.ToString();

    public static string GetTimeSpanString(TimeSpan time, bool fullString = false)
        if (time.TotalHours < 25.0)
            return DateTimeModule.TimeSpanToString(time);
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetween(time, fullString, false);

    public static string DateTimeToString(DateTime dateTime)
        string text = "%month%/%day%/%hrs%:%mnts%";
        string text2 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Month);
        string text3 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Day);
        string text4 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Hour);
        string text5 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Minute);
        return text.Replace("%month%", text2.ToString()).Replace("%day%", text3.ToString()).Replace("%hrs%", text4.ToString()).Replace("%mnts%", text5.ToString());

    public static string DateTimeToStringWithSpace(DateTime dateTime)
        string text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#format_time_for_ban", true, true);
        string newValue = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Month);
        string newValue2 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Day);
        string newValue3 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Hour);
        string newValue4 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Minute);
        return text.Replace("%month%", newValue).Replace("%day%", newValue2).Replace("%hrs%", newValue3).Replace("%mnts%", newValue4);

    public static string SecondsToString(int seconds)
        string text;
        if (seconds >= 86400)
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#vip_time_days", true, true).Replace("%val%", Mathf.RoundToInt((float)seconds / 86400f).ToString());
        else if (seconds >= 3600)
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#vip_time_hours", true, true).Replace("%val%", Mathf.RoundToInt((float)seconds / 3600f).ToString());
        else if (seconds >= 60)
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#vip_time_minutes", true, true).Replace("%val%", Mathf.RoundToInt((float)seconds / 60f).ToString());
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#vip_time_seconds", true, true).Replace("%val%", seconds.ToString());
        return LocalizationUtils.ApplyEndings(text);

    public static string ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(int value)
        if (value <= 9)
            return "0" + value.ToString();
        return value.ToString();

    public static string TimeSpanToString(double seconds)
        return DateTimeModule.TimeSpanToString(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds));

    public static bool IsToday(DateTime dateTime)
        return DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Year == dateTime.Year && DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Month == dateTime.Month && DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Day == dateTime.Day;

    public static TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(DateTime targetTime, bool serverTime = true)
        DateTime dateTime = serverTime ? DateTimeModule.ServerNow :;
        TimeSpan result = targetTime - dateTime;
        if (targetTime < dateTime)
            result = dateTime - targetTime;
        return result;

    public static void SetManualServerTime(DateTime dateTime)
        initialManualServerTime = dateTime;
        manualServerTimeSetAt = Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble;

    static DateTimeModule()
        SetManualServerTime(new DateTime(2024, 6, 22, 17, 0, 0));


code with static time

using System;
using System.Text;
using Assets.Scripts.UtilScripts;
using NGUI.Scripts.Internal;
using UnityEngine;

public class DateTimeModule
    private static TimeSpan serverDiff = new TimeSpan(0L);
    private static DateTime _serverNowTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
    private static double serverTimeUpdated = (double)Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
    private static bool isServerTimeSynced;
    private static int _serverNowCachedAtFrame;
    private static StringBuilder _sbTimeSpanToString = new StringBuilder();
    private static DateTime? manualServerTime = null;

    public static DateTime now
            return DateTime.Now;

    public static DateTime today

    public static DateTime ServerToday
            return new DateTime(DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Year, DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Month, DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Day, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

    public static DateTime Server6ShiftToday
            DateTime dateTime = DateTimeModule.ServerNow.AddHours(6.0);
            return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, 12, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);

    public static DateTime GetServerNow()
        return DateTimeModule.ServerNow;

    public static TimeSpan ServerDiff
            return DateTimeModule.serverDiff;

    public static void SyncServerTime(DateTime serverTime)
        if (DateTimeModule._serverNowTime > serverTime && DateTimeModule.isServerTimeSynced)
        DateTimeModule.isServerTimeSynced = true;
        DateTimeModule._serverNowTime = serverTime;
        DateTimeModule.serverTimeUpdated = Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble;
        DateTimeModule.serverDiff = serverTime - DateTime.Now;

    public static DateTime ServerToLocal(DateTime serverTime)
        DateTime result;
            result = serverTime.Add(-DateTimeModule.serverDiff);
        catch (Exception)
            string str = "Server to local error: server_time=";
            string str2 = serverTime.ToString("O");
            string str3 = " server_diff=";
            TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTimeModule.serverDiff;
            Debug.LogError(str + str2 + str3 + timeSpan.ToString());
            result = DateTime.Now;
        return result;

    public static DateTime ServerNow
            if (manualServerTime.HasValue)
                return manualServerTime.Value;

            if (DateTimeModule._serverNowCachedAtFrame == Time.frameCount)
                return DateTimeModule._serverNowTime;

            double realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble = Time.realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble;
            double value = realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble - DateTimeModule.serverTimeUpdated;
            DateTimeModule._serverNowTime = DateTimeModule._serverNowTime.AddSeconds(value);
            DateTimeModule.serverTimeUpdated = realtimeSinceStartupAsDouble;
            DateTimeModule._serverNowCachedAtFrame = Time.frameCount;
            return DateTimeModule._serverNowTime;

    public static TimeSpan GetTimeIn12HourInterval
            return DateTimeModule.Server6ShiftToday.AddDays(1.0).AddHours(-18.0) - DateTimeModule.ServerNow;

    private static double GetTicksCount()
        return IosUtils.GetUpTime();

    public static string GetTimeAgoString(DateTime time, bool fullString = false, bool serverTime = true, bool shortTime = false)
        string newValue = shortTime ? DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetweenShort(time, serverTime, fullString, false) : DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetween(time, fullString, serverTime, false);
        return Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_ago", true, true).Replace("%time%", newValue);

    public static string GetTimeBetween(int seconds, bool fullString = false, bool withSeconds = false)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetween(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)seconds), fullString, withSeconds);

    public static DateTime GetFirstDailyOccurence(DateTime start, DateTime utcTime)
        DateTime dateTime = start;
        if (start.TimeOfDay > utcTime.TimeOfDay)
            dateTime = start + TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);
        return new DateTime(dateTime.Year, dateTime.Month, dateTime.Day, utcTime.Hour, utcTime.Minute, utcTime.Second);

    public static int GetSecondsFromString(string span)
        if (span == "")
            return -1;
        span = span.Replace(" ", "");
        char c = span[span.Length - 1];
        int num = int.Parse(span.Replace(c.ToString(), ""));
        if (c <= 'h')
            if (c == 'd')
                return num * 86400;
            if (c == 'h')
                return num * 3600;
            if (c == 'm')
                return num * 60;
            if (c == 's')
                return num;
        return 0;

    public static string GetTimeBetween(DateTime time, bool fullString = false, bool serverTime = true, bool withSeconds = false)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetween(DateTimeModule.GetTimeSpan(time, serverTime), fullString, withSeconds);

    public static string GetTimeBetween(TimeSpan span, bool fullString = false, bool withSeconds = false)
        string text;
        if (span.Days > 0)
            if (span.Hours == 0)
                text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_days_no_hours" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%days%", span.Days.ToString() ?? "").Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "");
                text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_days" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%days%", span.Days.ToString() ?? "").Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "");
        else if (span.Hours > 0)
            if (span.Minutes == 0)
                text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_hours_no_minutes" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "").Replace("%mins%", span.Minutes.ToString() ?? "");
                text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_hours" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "").Replace("%mins%", span.Minutes.ToString() ?? "");
        else if (span.Minutes > 0 && !withSeconds)
            int num = span.Minutes;
            if (num == 0)
                num = 1;
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_minutes" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%minutes%", num.ToString() ?? "");
        else if (span.Minutes > 0 && withSeconds)
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_minutes_with_seconds" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%minutes%", span.Minutes.ToString()).Replace("%seconds%", span.Seconds.ToString());
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_seconds" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%seconds%", span.Seconds.ToString() ?? "");
        text = LocalizationUtils.ApplyEndings(text);
        return LocalizationUtils.RussianEnds(text);

    public static string GetTimeBetweenLocalized(string key, DateTime targetTime, bool serverTime = true)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetweenLocalized(key, DateTimeModule.GetTimeSpan(targetTime, serverTime));

    public static string GetTimeBetweenLocalized(string key, TimeSpan timeSpan)
        return Localization.LocalizeByKey(key, true, true).Replace("%days%", timeSpan.Days.ToString()).Replace("%hours%", timeSpan.Hours.ToString()).Replace("%minutes%", timeSpan.Minutes.ToString());

    public static string GetTimeBetweenShort(DateTime time, bool serverTime = true, bool fullString = false, bool daysWithoutHours = false)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetweenShort(DateTimeModule.GetTimeSpanBetween(time, serverTime), fullString, daysWithoutHours);

    public static TimeSpan GetTimeSpanBetween(DateTime time, bool serverTime = true)
        DateTime dateTime = serverTime ? DateTimeModule.ServerNow :;
        TimeSpan result = time - dateTime;
        if (time < dateTime)
            result = dateTime - time;
        return result;

    public static string GetTimeBetweenShort(int seconds, bool fullString = false, bool daysWithoutHours = false)
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetweenShort(TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)seconds), fullString, daysWithoutHours);

    public static string GetTimeBetweenShort(TimeSpan span, bool fullString = false, bool daysWithoutHours = false)
        string result;
        if (span.TotalDays >= 1.0)
            result = (daysWithoutHours ? Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_days_no_hours" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%days%", ((int)span.TotalDays).ToString() ?? "") : Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_days" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%days%", ((int)span.TotalDays).ToString() ?? "").Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? ""));
        else if (span.Hours > 0)
            result = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_hours_only" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%hours%", span.Hours.ToString() ?? "");
        else if (span.Minutes > 0)
            int minutes = span.Minutes;
            result = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_minutes" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true).Replace("%minutes%", minutes.ToString() ?? "");
            result = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#time_difference_less_minute" + (fullString ? "_full" : ""), true, true);
        return result;

    public static string TimeSpanToString(TimeSpan tSpan)
        if (tSpan.Days > 0)
            DateTimeModule._sbTimeSpanToString.Append(tSpan.Hours + 24 * tSpan.Days).Append(':');
            if (tSpan.Hours <= 9)
        if (tSpan.Minutes <= 9)
        if (tSpan.Seconds <= 9)
        return DateTimeModule._sbTimeSpanToString.ToString();

    public static string TimeSpanToStringForCrashCars(TimeSpan tSpan)
        if (tSpan.Seconds <= 9)
        if (tSpan.Milliseconds <= 9)
        return DateTimeModule._sbTimeSpanToString.ToString();

    public static string GetTimeSpanString(TimeSpan time, bool fullString = false)
        if (time.TotalHours < 25.0)
            return DateTimeModule.TimeSpanToString(time);
        return DateTimeModule.GetTimeBetween(time, fullString, false);

    public static string DateTimeToString(DateTime dateTime)
        string text = "%month%/%day%/%hrs%:%mnts%";
        string text2 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Month);
        string text3 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Day);
        string text4 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Hour);
        string text5 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Minute);
        return text.Replace("%month%", text2.ToString()).Replace("%day%", text3.ToString()).Replace("%hrs%", text4.ToString()).Replace("%mnts%", text5.ToString());

    public static string DateTimeToStringWithSpace(DateTime dateTime)
        string text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#format_time_for_ban", true, true);
        string newValue = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Month);
        string newValue2 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Day);
        string newValue3 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Hour);
        string newValue4 = DateTimeModule.ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(dateTime.Minute);
        return text.Replace("%month%", newValue).Replace("%day%", newValue2).Replace("%hrs%", newValue3).Replace("%mnts%", newValue4);

    public static string SecondsToString(int seconds)
        string text;
        if (seconds >= 86400)
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#vip_time_days", true, true).Replace("%val%", Mathf.RoundToInt((float)seconds / 86400f).ToString());
        else if (seconds >= 3600)
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#vip_time_hours", true, true).Replace("%val%", Mathf.RoundToInt((float)seconds / 3600f).ToString());
        else if (seconds >= 60)
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#vip_time_minutes", true, true).Replace("%val%", Mathf.RoundToInt((float)seconds / 60f).ToString());
            text = Localization.LocalizeByKey("#vip_time_seconds", true, true).Replace("%val%", seconds.ToString());
        return LocalizationUtils.ApplyEndings(text);

    public static string ValueToTwoSymbolFormat(int value)
        if (value <= 9)
            return "0" + value.ToString();
        return value.ToString();

    public static string TimeSpanToString(double seconds)
        return DateTimeModule.TimeSpanToString(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(seconds));

    public static bool IsToday(DateTime dateTime)
        return DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Year == dateTime.Year && DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Month == dateTime.Month && DateTimeModule.ServerNow.Day == dateTime.Day;

    public static TimeSpan GetTimeSpan(DateTime targetTime, bool serverTime = true)
        DateTime dateTime = serverTime ? DateTimeModule.ServerNow :;
        TimeSpan result = targetTime - dateTime;
        if (targetTime < dateTime)
            result = dateTime - targetTime;
        return result;

    public static void SetManualServerTime(DateTime dateTime)
        manualServerTime = dateTime;

    static DateTimeModule()
        SetManualServerTime(new DateTime(2024, 5, 19, 17, 0, 0));

code with static time


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