Bamboleo Опубликовано 6 декабря, 2020 Поделиться Опубликовано 6 декабря, 2020 Описание: Item ID - идентификатор элемента Rarity - редкость Power Level - уровень Skills - скилы Armor Stats - статистика доспехов Dungeons.CT = MS Store версия Dungeons-Win64-Shipping.CT = Launcher версия Скрытый текст Рукопашный 2425: Sword 2426: Diamond Sword - Extra Damage 2427: Hawkbrand - Increases critical hit chance 2428: Katana 2429: Master's Katana - Increases critical hit chance 2430: Dark Katana - Extra damage to undead 2431: Spear - Long Melee Reach 2432: Whispering Spear - Sometimes Strikes Twice 2433: Fortune Spear - Drop More Consumables 2434: Claymore - Powerful Pushback 2435: Heartstealer - Leeches Health from Mobs 2436: Broadsword - Extra Damage 2437: Sickles - Dual Wield 2438: Nightmare's Bite - Spawns Poison Clouds 2439: The Last Laugh - Mobs Drop More Emeralds 2440: Gauntlets - Relentless Combo 2441: Soul Fists - Souls Critical Boost/+2 Soul Gathering 2442: Maulers - Increases attack speed 2443: Fighter's Bindings - Boosts attack speed/Turbo Punches 2444: Glaive - Longer Melee Reach 2445: Grave Bane - Extra Damage to Undead 2446: Venom Glaive - Spawns Poison Clouds 2447: Double Axe - Spin attack 2448: Whirlwind - Casts Shockwaves 2449: Cursed Axe - Defeated Mobs Explode 2450: Whip - Longer Melee Reach 2451: Vine Whip - Inflicts Poison 2452: Daggers - Dual Wield 2453: Fangs of Frost - Slows Mobs 2454: Moon Daggers - Souls Critical Boost 2455: Cutlass - Reliable Combo 2456: Nameless Blade - Weakens Enemy Attacks 2457: Dancer's Sword - Increase attack speed 2458: Mace 2459: Sun's Grace - Heals Allies in the Area 2460: Flail - Binds and Chains Enemies 2461: Pickaxe 2462: Diamond Pickaxe - Finds More Emeralds 2463: [Game Crash] 2464: Axe - Spin attack move 2465: Firebrand - Burns Mobs 2466: Highland Axe - Stuns Mobs 2467: Great Hammer - Great Splash 2468: Stormlander - Fires Lightning Bolts 2469: Hammer of Gravity - Pulls in enemies 2470: Soul Scythe - +2 Soul Gathering 2471: Jailor's Scythe - Binds and Chains Enemies 2472: Frost Scythe - Slows mobs 2473: Soul Knife - Thrust attack/+2 Soul Gathering 2474: Truthseeker - Increased damage to wounded mobs 2475: Eternal Knife - Chance to Gain Souls Ранжированный 2476: Bow 2477: Bonebow - Arrows grow size 2478: Twin Bow - Shoots Two Enemies At Once 2479: Trickbow - Hits Multiple Targets 2480: The Green Menace - Spawns Poison Clouds 2481: The Pink Scoundrel - Chance to Enrage Mobs 2482: Shortbow 2483: Purple Storm - Increased Fire Rate 2484: Mechanical Shortbow - Accelerated Fire Rate 2485: Longbow - Strong Charged Attacks 2486: Guardian Bow - Super Charged Arrows 2487: Red Snake - Chance for Arrows to Explode 2488: Hunting Bow - Pets Attack Targeted Mobs 2489: Hunter's Promise - Chance to Regain Arrows 2490: Master's Bow - Extra Damage Dealt 2491: Soul Bow - +2 Soul Gathering 2492: Nocturnal Bow - Steals Speed 2493: Bow of Lost Souls - Chance for Multishot 2494: Power Bow - Strong Charged Attacks 2495: Elite Power Bow - Greater damage 2496: Sabrewing - Heals Allies in the Area 2497: Crossbow - Faster Projectiles 2498: The Slicer - Chance to fire piercing bolts 2499: Azure Seeker - Increased Fire Rate 2500: [Game Crash] 2501: Heavy Crossbow - Powerful Shots 2502: Doom Crossbow - Additional Knockback 2503: Slayer Crossbow - Chance to ricochet 2504: Rapid Crossbow - High Firerate 2505: Butterfly Crossbow - Shoots Two Enemies At Once 2506: Auto Crossbow - Firerate increases upon firing 2507: Scatter Crossbow - Multiple projectiles 2508: Harp Crossbow - Even More Projectiles 2509: Lightning Harp Crossbow - Chance to ricochet 2510: Soul Crossbow - +100% souls gathered/+30% ranged damage/+2 Soul Gathering 2511: Feral Soul Crossbow - Souls Critical Boost 2512: Voidcaller - Pulls enemies in 2513: Exploding Crossbow - Explodes on Impact/+100% souls gathered/+30% ranged damage 2514: Imploding Crossbow - Pulls in enemies 2515: Firebolt Thrower - Chance of Chain Reaction 2516: Snow Bow - Freezes on Impact/+100% souls gathered/+30% ranged damage 2517: Winter's Touch - Fires 3 arrows when charged Броня 2518: Guard's Armor 2519: Curious Armor 2520: Reinforced Mail 2521: Stalwart Armor - Potion Use Boosts Defense 2522: Scale Mail 2523: Highland Armor - Gains Speed after Dodge 2524: Evocation Robe 2525: Ember Robe - Burns Nearby Enemies 2526: Hunter's Armor 2527: Archer's Armor 2528: Thief Armor 2529: Spider Armor 2530: Battle Robe 2531: Splendid Robe 2532: Dark Armor 2533: Titan's Shroud 2534: Wolf Armor 2535: Fox Armor 2536: Champion's Armor 2537: Hero's Armor 2538: Mercenary Armor 2539: Renegade Armor 2540: Grim Armor 2541: Wither Armor 2542: Phantom Armor 2543: Frost Bite - Spawns a Snowy Companion 2544: Plate Armor 2545: Full Metal Armor 2546: Spelunker's Armor 2547: Cave Crawler 2548: Soul Robe 2549: Souldancer Robe 2550: Mystery Armor 2551: [Game Crash] 2552: Ocelot Armor 2553: Shadow Walker 2554: Snow Armor 2555: Frost Armor - Emits a Chilling Aura Артефакты 2560: Fireworks Arrow 2561: Harvester 2562: [Game Crash] 2563: Corrupted Seeds 2564: Ice Wand 2565: Gong of Weakening 2566: Light Feather 2567: Wind Horn 2568: Boots of Swiftness 2569: Ghost Cloak 2570: Fishing Rod 2571: Death Cap Mushroom 2572: Shock Powder 2573: Iron Hide Amulet 2574: Tasty Bone 2575: Wonderful Wheat 2576: Golem Kit 2577: Love Medallion 2578: Corrupted Beacon 2579: Lightning Rod 2580: Soul Healer 2581: Totem of Shielding 2582: [Game Crash] 2583: Totem of Soul Protection 2584: Totem of Regeneration 2585: Flaming Quiver 2586: Torment Quiver Процесс запуска: 1. 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